According to the experts ( my condition is seen as Short-term Insomnia, where the symptoms last between one and three weeks. The bracket above me are said to be suffering from Chronic Insomnia, where the symptoms last over a month. You end up trying loads of stuff to sort it out, and some of it does help for a short period and you usually convince yourself that you’ve found the cure. This is usually short lived though as soon you find yourself once again laid on your side staring at that familiarly blinding LED on your mouse well into the next day. I’ve got to admit I’ve never read a book on how to combat the symptoms, as I think that if you convince yourself that you’ve got a problem bad enough to read a book on how to solve the problem then you’re fucked anyway. But I just stumbled across a news article about a new book called Spent! I thought that the fact that it had made the front page of the Guardian website would lend the title some sort of credibility, but alas it is just another Doctor Nick Riveira offering commonsensical advice such as “listen to relaxing music”. It’s such a joke that this chump is getting the bucks for handing out such lacklustre pearls of wisdom. I should be getting them. I know stuff. I know loads of stuff. Surely anyone can see what should keep you awake, or what will effect how you sleep, but in the spirit of pointing out the blindingly fucking obvious, I’ve decided to jot down a couple of paragraphs to set you on your way to an assured nights rest.
Stress – The main contributor to sleep deprivation. To alleviate this burden, just quit your job. Capitalism is going down the pan anyhow, so by opting out now you save yourself a few months of angst.
Women – The ball ache of ball aches. You’re there racking your brains of the next way to spice up the relationship, just to keep them interested. this causes you hours of tossing and turning. Sever all ties. There is enough bosh material on tinterweb to keep you going till you’re old and grey anyhow. Wanking helps you sleep too.
Friends – Sure they’re fun and we all think we need them, but essentially they’re a distraction. Think about how much more time you’ll have in bed once they’re out of your life. No more phonecalls or beeping Blackberrys. It’ll be pure unadulterated silence for you from now on.