I love my Dad, I really do. He's always been there for me and that, he's a good man, and he's like, well, my dad! But sometimes, just sometimes, I wish that my dad could be a bit cooler. I mean sure, Finance is a scintilating bag of exploding colours and loyal, inspirational characters, but sometimes I wish that he had been something a little more "right on".
I've been working this shit munching job for about 4 months now (my god putting a time on it was seriously depressing) and believe me some days, just making it to 5 o'clock takes the strength of mind of Charles Xavier. One of the things that I obsessively distracted myself with was a site that I heard of through a friend called
Oh Goodness Greatness. It started out as a blog of this pretty righteous couple, who would interview their friends and friends' friends who worked in creative industries and lived incredibly interesting day to day lives. I can't even tell you how much this site saved me - just when you I was floundering in a cesspit of spreadsheets and recycled copy paper, it made me remember the reason that I am there - survival for the greater good. My favourite interview was with this ridiculously wise and interesting humanoid,
Stevie Gee. His illustrations, humour and overall outlook on life are awesome. Back on track, the reason that I started with the whole dad stuff at the beginning of this wasn't the start of a wandering into realm of "dad love"...honestly. Stevie Gee set up a blog/illstrustration site called
Get Goofy, which is a series of drawings and projects that he has done with his son. Seriously, Rad Dad of the Year Award has no competitors!