Tuesday 22 September 2009

Felix and the Machines!

So, I've been away from my computer for a while living life in the analogue world, but now I'm back and ready to stuff wires into my eyeballs and press my ears to my speakers. I've just started to do some work for a new publication (more on that later) and, inadvertently, I've been exposed to a whole new world of visual delights...

I found out about this guy a few days ago, and I was pretty impressed so I thought he deserved a shout-a-bout on the blog. Felix Thorn makes musical sculptures that act as a visual and audio display features that can be incorporated as an installation piece in their own right or as part of a larger contruction. The only way that I could describe it is to say that if the synthesiser from Masters of the Universe, Dick Van Dyke and Megatron got together for a Menage a trois in the belly of the Child Catcher, Felix's machines would be the end product. Anyways, I really enjoyed this video, and I hope you do too...

Felix's Machines from Felix Thorn on Vimeo.

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